new ProxyInterface()
Create a new ProxyInterface
. This constructor should not be called
directly. Use ProxyObject#getInterface to get a proxy interface.
- Source:
// this demonstrates the use of the standard
// `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface for an interface that exports
// some properties.
let bus = dbus.sessionBus();
let obj = await bus.getProxyObject('org.test.bus_name', '/org/test/path');
let properties = obj.getInterface('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties');
// the `Get` method provided by this interface takes two strings and returns
// a Variant
let someProperty = await properties.Get('org.test.interface_name', 'SomeProperty');
// the `PropertiesChanged` signal provided by this interface will emit an
// event on the interface with its specified signal arguments.
properties.on('PropertiesChanged', (props, invalidated) => {});